Nail the ‘Opening Years’ with Basic Tips to Start with Cricket Coaching for Kids!

4 min readApr 21, 2021

I get thrilled by those screams and fanatic cheerleaders around;

It’s my game cricket and the roaring me, on this grassy ground!

Sporty Tots and Enthusiasts!

Welcome to the world of Cricket!

Grow with the game and enrich with team play, fitness drills, pure fun on the lush open grounds, and unbeatable coordinating skills.

Our country celebrates this age-old bat & ball game, as the National Game. No wonder, every lane of the country is a ready cricket pitch to be tilled by an excited bunch of batsmen, bowlers, wicket-keepers, and fielders!

Gone is the days when cricket was an idler’s play. Today, taking upon serious cricket can lead to a promising career in cricket thanks to a plethora of state championships and IPL.

While the country is presently upbeat with IPL 2021 fever, let’s turn the floodlight to quick basic tips to ace cricket for every beginner!

Step I: The Start — What is the right age to start with cricket coaching for kids?

Ideally 5–7 years. This is the age when the introduction to basic cricket play should be done through a simple plastic bat and ball, to gauge the interest and skill bend of the learner.

Simple tips to follow when you introduce cricket coaching at home for kids!

Once the interest and liking for the sport are discovered, the next step would be to introduce discipline in playing the game and coach basic rules to play cricket at the beginner level like where to stand, how to hold the bat, how to throw the ball.etc.

Progressing further, the next step would be to introducing the score factors in cricket. Coaching them on the rules to score runs in cricket. No! It is not that complicated but rather fun to set the game spirit of cricket slowly. Start with simple targets like scoring a minimum of 5 or 7 runs in 10 balls. It is bound to make your kid fall in love with cricket and simultaneously teach a lil bit of maths, focusing, and competing.

Step II: On the Grounds — Professional Cricket Coaching for kids (8–12 years)

Now when your kid is equipped with the basic know-how of playing cricket, it is time for ground practice and professional coaching of cricket.

The foremost step would be to assign a professional cricket coach for coaching your kid.

Let your kid now soak into the theory of cricket game coaching along with on-field coaching of cricket.

This will include learning basic bowling tips, basic batting tips and also enlighten your kid on how to score wickets in cricket like a pro!

It is essential that all this is done in this age slot itself as kids have a flexible body, amazing fitness stamina, and high cognitive and motor skills to grasp cricket fundamentals quickly.

Ensure that your kid understands the importance of consistency and discipline during cricket coaching, to reap the benefits of playing cricket regularly.

Thankfully today we have access to LIVE Cricket Tournaments to hook up the game excitement in kids at the learning stage, discover a role model and follow them, observe the batting strategy or the bowling strategy of cricket players.

Step III: It’s time to compete — Professional Cricket Coaching for Teenagers (13–19 years)

This is the stage when your rock star teenager is all set to make a mark in the game.

Serious cricket steps in, with your kid now progressing to participating in cricket tournaments at different levels.

At this stage mostly players are able to plan their batting, bowling, and fielding techniques on their own. They are well aware of the best scoring techniques in cricket and are also able to identify the tips to bowl like a pro in cricket.

With the best professional cricket training on the grounds, the kid will have in-depth expertise on basic rules for playing cricket, how to build stamina levels for playing cricket, and learning the importance of teamwork in cricket.

Last but not least!

  • Let the game sink in naturally in your kid without you having to impose it on your kid.
  • It is important to maintain a healthy and wholesome diet for kids undergoing cricket training.
  • It is always good to start with early-age cricket training for kids so that they don’t face any kind of pressure later.
  • And if you don’t have any plans for making your kid the future Mithali Raj or Virat Kohli, still it is not a bad idea to go for fun physical activity sessions for the kid’s overall development.

Selecting an ideal cricket training coach for the kid can be tough!

Piggy Ride is here to help you with the best offline cricket coaching for kids. Our professional cricket coaches are all set to guide you and kickstart with the right cricket training on the field.

When are you starting with cricket??!!!

Author Bio:-

Vibha Gupta is an educator as well as a content writer by profession. She loves to interact, teach, and write. A successful corporate journey, accompanied by vivid experience in the field of education, training, and development as well as content writing mark the important milestones of her career. She wishes to serve her readers a platter of write-ups, that connect, inspire, and leads to the opening of new avenues. She is working as consultant blogger with PiggyRide.




PiggyRide — an E-Learning platform for kids to explore extra curriculum activities like dance, singing, music, yoga, chess, etc.