5 Reasons Your Kid Should Start Learning Carnatic Music Online
Children have big dreams and aspirations. As a parent, the best you can do is encourage and support them while they try to achieve these dreams. A child wishing to participate in a singing reality show and become a famous singer needs parental guidance. If it is the case with your child, you must introduce him/her to Carnatic Music.
Most commonly known as Karnāṭaka saṃgīta or Karnāṭaka saṅgītam, Carnatic Music is a traditional form of Indian music that mainly focuses on vocal music. Thorough training of the Surs and Alaaps form the basic foundation of the lessons. It is noted that with just one week of practice, the understanding of the tone, rhythm, and notes improve significantly. Therefore, it is regarded as the best option for beginners and children.
Many parents think as it is a pandemic, the kids can learn at home for the time being. It is true! Nevertheless, your munchkin needs proper guidance, and just a few videos from YouTube won’t do the trick. In fact, there are high chances that your kid may lose interest in Carnatic Music altogether. If you want your child to learn properly, it is better to enroll your kid in PiggyRide’s Carnatic vocal music classes online.
You might not be very sure about online music classes but, in this blog, we are giving you five reasons to enroll your child for online Carnatic classes today. Let us go through them one by one:
Better Learning Experience
Imagine sending your child to a music class where a single teacher has to guide more than 10 children at a time! The teacher won’t be able to focus on every disciple. Besides, the seating arrangement will also have a significant impact on how your child grasps the basics of Carnatic vocal music.
However, online classes mean that your child will get proper attention from the guru or teacher. In fact, the mentors, at PiggyRide, work with your child to get the tone, tempo, and range right.
No Consciousness
What we are going to discuss in this segment is one of the most crucial factors that affect the learning of a child, especially where performing arts are concerned. Therefore, we request you to think the following from the perspective of a child:
You enter a class full of 8 other students, and most of them have been attending Carnatic classical music
classes for more than a few months. They are obviously way ahead of you, in terms of singing. Now, you are a little conscious and try to mingle but somehow, you lack confidence. You can’t even sing half as good as you are used to, and you become even more conscious.
This might sound ridiculous to you, but you were once a kid. Not to mention, it is a real-life incident. It happened a few years ago with the writer of this blog. She is not a good singer even today.
Such experiences can hamper the confidence of your child. However, there are no such issues with the online classes, even if your child wishes to learn Carnatic fusion.
100% Safe
Even before the pandemic, the safety of your kids was a huge concern and it will remain so even after the pandemic. Besides, the safety from the dreaded virus is a huge plus.
Flexibility of Timing
The best part about online classes is that your child can schedule the classes as per his/her convenience, instead of choosing from a pre-set schedule. Moreover, the recorded lectures of Carnatic classical can be accessed at any time of the day.
No Added Responsibilities for Parents
If your child has to attend a music class, you’ll have to take responsibility for the pick-and-drop and several other activities. You might even have to wait outside the class to avoid driving back and forth. Online classes mean you can sit comfortably while your munchkin is busy learning Carnatic classical vocal music.
Add the benefits of learning Carnatic music to the list and you will be able to make the right choice easily. On that note, PiggyRide offers Carnatic Vocal classes for beginners, intermediates, and advanced learners. Get in touch for a trial class!
Author Bio:-
Preetika Dwivedi is a passionate individual with a lot of aspirations and dreams. The past three years of my career have been a great learning experience in the content writing niche, and she is learning more and more by each passing day. The “quick learning” skills have helped her step out of the comfort zone and explore newer possibilities. She is working as a consultant blogger with PiggyRide.