5 Alarming Signs That Your Child Is Unhappy At Daycare & Ways To Fix It

7 min readJul 8, 2022

Mostly every child gets overwhelmed and anxious when they enter the daycare for the first time, but if it continues for a longer time, it’s a sign of worry. Kids are always around their parents and loved ones, but once they go out to a new place, kids are kicked in with separation anxiety and get overwhelmed by seeing new faces.

Some children are naturally sensitive. So, moving, making new friends, and meeting new caregivers can be overwhelming for them. As a result, some children cannot accept the concept of daycare. A change of place and people unsettles them the most after spending so much time with their families and being pampered.

Furthermore, children becoming cranky for a few days may be a sign of normalcy, but if they are unhappy for an extended period, you will notice these signs -

5 Alarming Signs That Your Child Is Unhappy At Daycare

1. Shedding Tears

So, if your child begins to cry the moment you leave the house, it’s a big sign. Even before they arrive at daycare, children become irritable and anxious. As a result, it’s common for children to cry and shed tears because they know they won’t see the safe faces and comfort there. However, if the crying lasts for weeks or months, it’s a warning that you should reconsider enrolling your child in daycare. You can start looking for another daycare or reconsider your decision after meeting with the teachers.

2. Stubborn To Go Inside

It’s normal for your child to be unwilling to leave the house and enter a new building. They are not prepared to leave their comfort and loved ones for a few hours. Living 24 hours with family, children become dependent on their parents, which is why they experience the most separation anxiety. Furthermore, being stubborn about not getting ready or leaving the house is natural in the early days, but if it persists for several days, it is a warning sign and causes concern. This is a clear indication that your child is uncomfortable at daycare.

3. Change In Their Behavior

If you notice a sudden change in your child’s behavior, such as aggression, frustration, or stress, you should be concerned. So, if you notice an unhealthy pattern of change in your child’s behavior, it’s a big red flag. You will notice more tantrums, a lack of communication, or a lack of willingness to talk or share with you. This could indicate that a daycare teacher is emotionally unavailable, making things stressful and uncomfortable for kids.

4. Clinginess

If your child exhibits clinginess all of the time after starting daycare, this is a red flag and cause for concern. For example, your child clings to your leg and cries whenever you leave them or leave the house. This is normal for a few days, but if their clinginess lasts for weeks or months, you should investigate.

5. Not Eating Food

When children are happy or in an environment surrounded by people who love them, they eat well and better. Children will always enjoy their meals when they are surrounded by their parents or grandparents. So, if your child used to eat happily at home but isn’t eating well at daycare, bringing back their lunch, not eating at home, and becoming fussy eaters even when you try to feed them their favorite food, it’s a big sign that your child is unhappy at their daycare.

6. Bad Dreams Or Sleeplessness

It is alarming and a clear sign that your child is concerned, apprehensive, or worried about daycare if your child has trouble falling asleep, takes longer to fall asleep or wakes up in the middle of the night from some horrible dreams. Children go to bed early because they are exhausted at the end of the day and feel drowsy from having spent so much time playing, running, and participating in activities. Therefore, it is probable that a youngster who has trouble falling asleep may also be stressed, restless, or nervous about the following day.

How Can You Fix This?

1. Prepare Kids 1 Month Prior

They shouldn’t be surprised when you drop off your child at daycare since it’s not the kind of surprise a kid expects or wants. If you want your child to be less or not at all fussy before starting daycare, start preparing them one month in advance for what they will see, who they will meet, and why they will be going there. Explain to them why daycare will be enjoyable for them. You need to replace their apprehension about daycare with excitement. Inform them that they will meet new people, make friends, play games, watch cartoons, and do other things. A child should be excited about the daycare, not anxious. Inform them that you won’t be there with them, but you’ll come to get them every evening.

2. Replicate The Daycare’s Routine At Home

To prepare them and reduce their anxiety, you can request the daycare’s routine and begin following it at home. As a result, get them ready a month in advance. Have them eat, sleep, and play at the same time. Additionally, let them know that this is what they will be going through.

3. Tell Them That You’re Watching Them & They’re Not Alone

Check to see whether the daycare services can provide you with the live recording of your child’s activities at the daycare or not. Never leave your child in a daycare that doesn’t have the technology to allow parents to monitor their children from anywhere in the world. Never put your trust in a daycare that forbids you from watching. Assure your children that you will always be there for them, keep an eye on them on your phone and that they have nothing to fear. Therefore, assure them to help them feel secure and content.

4. Brainstorming Daycare Meet

You can schedule a meeting with the school’s teachers to discuss the problem with them if you have any suspicions that your child is not pleased there. Together with your children, you can create a list of questions that will help you brainstorm ways to support your child. Teachers may notice that one child is dissatisfied or not interacting well with other children because of the large number of children and their duties. Therefore, the best course of action is to try discussing things with the teachers.

5. Therapy Is A Great Solution

If your child’s behavior changes for a few weeks or a month after starting daycare, such as becoming quiet, not eating, having trouble sleeping, or becoming more irritable and aggressive. Giving your children counseling is the greatest way to combat the issue. The overpowering emotions that the youngster is unable to discuss or

express may be helped by a psychotherapist. Additionally, you can talk to them about your worries. Additionally, treatment will teach kids how to deal with their emotions.

6. Check The Daycare Environment

Make sure the atmosphere is tranquil. A setting that is relaxing will lessen anxiety. Ensure that the space is well-lit and that toys, children their age, and soft, relaxing colors are all present. Always inquire about the activities that will be taught to the kids, the number of kids present, how they assist new kids in interacting with the other kids, what they do if a child cries, and other things. Make sure you have all your questions answered before enrolling your child in daycare.

Take Away

One of the most challenging aspects of having a child in daycare is managing their anxiety. While it may seem like a small thing, anxiety can have a big impact on a child’s day-to-day life. So, do check out the signs if your child is anxious and approaches to combat it. Moreover, if you want to read more kids-related blogs, visit PiggyRide. It’s a leading platform that provides skill-based online classes for kids based on their skills, preference, and age. You can visit their website, and check out the blogs, online courses, and free weekend workshops.




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